
A list of conferences, workshops, schools, competitions, etc. that I have attended.


Reviewer of ICLR-2025.

Attend ACL-2024.

Reviewer of KDD-2025.

Thrilled to announce that 7 MSc and 3 BSc students under my advisement have successfully defended their theses!

One long paper got accepted by ECML-PKDD-2024.

One Findings paper got accepted by ACL-2024.

Give a guest lecture at Data Mining Msc. course, Aarhus University.

Attend ICDE-2024.

Reviewer of DMKD journal.

Reviewer of TKDE journal.

Give an invited talk (title: Leveraging Large Language Models for Molecule Prediction Tasks) at Pioneer Centre for AI workshop.

One poster paper presented at ICDE-2024.

Reviewer of TKDE journal.

PC member of SocialNLP workshop @TheWeb-24(WWW-24) conference.


One long paper got accepted by IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM).

One long paper got accepted by ACM Transactions on the Web.

Attend ECML-OKDD-2023.

Two short papers got accepted by LoG-2023.

Thrilled to announce that 3 MSc students under my advisement have successfully defended their theses!

Give an invited talk (title: Knowledge-augmented Graph Machine Learning for Drug Discovery) at SP2 Workshop, University of Luxembourg.

Reviewer of Artificial Intelligence journal.

PC member of AICONF-23.

One lecture-style tutorial “Knowledge-augmented Graph Machine Learning for Drug Discovery: from Precision to Interpretability” accepted by KDD-23.

One Tutorial got accepted by KDD-2023.

Give an invited talk (title: Knowledge-augmented Graph Machine Learning for Drug Discovery) at Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University.

PC member of ECML/PKDD-23.

Reviewer of TKDD journal.

PC member of SocialNLP workshop @TheWeb-23(WWW-23) conference.

Thrilled to announce that 1 MSc student under my advisement have successfully defended their theses!


Two long papers got accepted by Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD) and are presented at ECML-PKDD-2023.

Started working as a Postdoc at Aarhus University in May 2022.

Successfully defended my PhD thesis on April 4th, 2022.

Thesis title: Leveraging Graph Machine Learning for Social Network Analysis.

PC member of SocialNLP workshop @TheWeb-22(WWW-22) conference.


Thrilled to announce that 1 MSc student under my advisement have successfully defended their theses!

Work as Teaching Assistant of course Distributed Systems, 1st semester of 2021-2022.

Reviewer of Elsevier-Neurocomputing.

Attend the LOGML Summer School, 12th-16th July 2021, Online.

Reviewer of KDD-21 conference.

PC member of SocialNLP workshop @TheWeb-21(WWW-21) conference.


Attend the SanDAL Winter School and gave an oral presentation, 7th-11th December 2020, Online.

Reviewer of TheWeb-21(WWW-21) conference.

Work as Teaching Assistant of course Distributed Systems, 1st semester of 2020-2021.

PC member of SocInfo-20 conference.

PC member of ECML-PKDD-20 conference.


Attend the ACM-IMC Conference, 21st-23th October 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Work as Teaching Assistant of course Distributed Systems, 1st semester of 2019-2020.

Attend the ACM-IMC Shadow PC meeting, 29th July 2019, Queen Mary University of London, UK.

Organize as a local organizer and attend the UniGR Summer School on Verification Technology, Systems and Applications (VTSA 2019), 1st-5th July, University of Luxembourg, Belval, Luxembourg.

Attend the DigiCosme Spring School on Formal Methods and Machine Learning (ForMal), 4th-7th June 2019, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France.


Work as Teaching Assistant of course Introduction to IT Security, 1st semester of 2018-2019.

Kaggle-Home Credit Default Risk, 12/7198 teams, Gold Medal.
Kaggle-Avito Demand Prediction Challenge, 11/1872 teams, Gold Medal.
Kaggle-TalkingData AdTracking Fraud Detection Challenge, 50/3961 teams, Silver Medal.
Kaggle-Toxic Comment Classification Challenge, 237/4551 teams, Bronze Medal.


Work as Data Scientist at AT INTERNET