Zhiqiang Zhong

Postdoc at Aarhus University under supervision of Prof. Dr. Davide Mottin. Technology-focused on Graph Machine Learning (GML), BioMedicine Design and Social Network Analysis.

PhD of Computer Science at University of Luxembourg under the supervision of Dr. Jun Pang within the SaToSS group. Thesis title: Leveraging Graph Machine Learning for Social Network Analysis.

Master in Information & Finance and Second Master in Data Science, Bachelor in Mathematics.


Kaggle Master, best global rank 525, with 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal and 1 bronze medal.

What’s New

Started working as a Postdoc at Aarhus University in May 2022.

Successfully defended my PhD thesis on April 4th, 2022.

One long paper got accepted by ECML-PKDD-2022.

PC member of SocialNLP workshop @TheWeb-2022(WWW’22) conference.

One paper got accepted by ASONAM-2021.